Eslocura has taken time out of her busy schedule to interview me! Admittedly, these were very thought provoking and not the easiest to answer, but nonetheless, here we go!
1) If you can only use 5 words to best describe who you are, what would they be?
A strong, independent, educated, dedicated mother.
2) You just found that "magical genie lamp", the genie wants to grant you 3 wishes, what are they?
I have given this question thought from time to time, but always hoped that I was never required to do the difficult task of answering it! I guess initially, I would do just the same as about 95% of people would do...wish for everlasting wealth. To be debt free would alleviate most of my stress and worries. I know that I have a strong work ethic, so I'm sure that I would continue to do so (of course after taking a couple of months off so that the boys and I could travel)...I would just like to pay my bills and live comfortably for the rest of my life.
I would wish for the healing and birth of a new nation. Meaning a holistic approach to that including a change in leadership (for the good!); economic growth and stability; health care for all; reduction in crime; elimination of hate, racism, and prejudice; and national peace. Yes, I realize this may be quite a loaded wish, but who says I can't make the attempt?
Lastly, I would wish that me, my family, and friends would lead happy, healthy, long and successful lives. Yes, that one is loaded as well, but whatever, they're my damned wishes!
3) Parenting has got to be the hardest job around, What life lessons do you hope to instill in your kids?
This one nearly brought me to tears. I feel as a parent, there is so much to do, and so little time to do it. You want to capture every little thing that might affect the essence of their being at the right ages and at the right timing is very critical. Anyways, I guess it is really a three pronged approach that I have been sort of using and has seemed to work thus far.
*It is important to learn about love, respect, compassion, HONESTY, loyalty, and integrity. I teach them that each and everything they do in their lifetime is a reflection of what type of person they are. I also teach the importance of treating others as they want to be treated; that 2 wrongs do not make a "right;" and that they must first respect themselves before others will.
*Education is important---street knowledge as well as book knowledge. I tell them all the time that education will get them everywhere they will go in life. Common sense is a critical element, and knowing right from wrong is the key. Education also speaks to creativity and being an individual. D loves art...W does not, but that doesn't mean that they aren't equally terrific and stunningly brilliant young men alike.
*Lastly, with anything that I teach them, I told them that values should be intrinsically driven, and they should be individuals who are driven to do the right things because it comes from within. I tell them to love and appreciate the beings that they are and never let anyone tell them that they are anything less than the wonderful, smart, beautiful young men that I have raised them to be. I teach them that a relationship with God is very important, and that there is power in prayer. And I also teach them to always love with all that they have; learn as much as they can; live each day as if it is their last; and dream each day as if they will live forever.
4) My home is my sanctuary away from the evils of the planet, describe your sanctuary?
Well, there is not much to my home, but I agree, it is my refuge from the madness of the world...a place where I feel safe, comfortable, and free. In the physical world, I have a 1,550 sq. ft. apartment with 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms (it is a BITCH cleaning them...especially when one is just for the boys!), dine-in kitchen, and other essentials. But in the emotional, mental, and spiritual world, it is a kingdom...filled with the various elements of conversation, education, good food, and good times ALONG WITH LOVE, safety, companionship, spirituality, and a sense of belonging.
5) I know you write lovely poetry, and of course you also blog, what inspires you to write?
To put it simply, LIFE inspires me to write. That's pretty self explanatory, and I think you ALL can relate :)
Interview rules: 1) If you would like to be interviewed leave me a comment saying "interview me".2) I will respond by emailing you 5 questions, I get to pick the questions.3) Update your blog with a post containing the answers.4) Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you ask them 5 questions.