I beat myself up for years for my children having different fathers. My mother would always try to console me and reduce my dissonance by pointing out the fact that I was with W's father for 5 years, and D's father off and on for 7...thus, if the relationships MEANT something, I shouldn't be so hard on myself. It took me a while, but finally, I got over it.
Now my new dilemma...how much does a name really mean? Before Christmas, my son W had not seen OR heard from his father in 3 1/2 years, and D's father...well, we kinda see him when we see him, but if you can remember from previous posts, he has been in a relationship with one of my (ex) closest friends of 13 years+, and in my estimation (among MANY other things) can't teach the children much in the way of values...he lives by the "Every Man for Himself" creed, and from my point of view may do more harm than help by actually being a consistent part of the boys' lives.
And you want to know the kicker? I am elated that I have moved away from Ohio, because if either of my boys attended schools in that particular school system, their names alone may have severe implications with regard to teachers' perceptions of them the older they got.
So I ask you...am I stressing too much over this? I know that all of us at some point have made some choices that we may not necessarily be proud of, but have to live with them our entire lives, and I feel this may be one (or two of them).
Back to Matters of the Heart soon...I just really need your input on this.